Benjamin Bunker
1884 - 1963
DELTA .. Beniamln Bunker, 79, died Saturday, 7:45 a.m., an a Delta hospital of a heart ailment. Born Jan. 29, 1884, Bunkerville, Nev., to Stephen Albert and Mary Josephine Knight Bunker. Married Mable George Rapley Aug. 21, 1920. They were later dlvorced. Married Emily Borgeson Brown July 21, 1933, Las Vegas. Member, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Salnts. Surviors, widow; three stepchildren, W. Hallvor Brown, Bloomfield, NJ, Mrs. Walter (Julia) Peterson, Salt Lake Cltv; Stanford W. Brown, Delta; 12 stepgrandchlldren, 2 stepgreat-orandchildren; brother and slsters, Stephen Albert Bunker, St. George: Mrs. James {Caroline} Cottam,
Vevo, Washington County; Mrs. Wm R. (Josie} Walker, Delta: Mrs. Justin (Helen} Chamberlyn, Salt Lake City: Mrs. John (Nana} Blazzard, Logan: Mrs. Jesse {Hazel} Kartchner, Ogden.
Funeral Wednesday, ll a.m., Delta First LDS Ward Chapel. Friends call ward Relief Society room, 9 a.m. to services. Burial,
Sutherland Cemetery.