I was born in Ephraim, Utah, March 15th, 1912. The first place that I remember living was right next to my Grandmother's house. I lived there until I was about six years old. Then we moved up to my Great Grandfather's house where we lived until I was a senior in High School. Then we moved down to the home where my folks live now (Home on Main Street). I was eighteen years old when we moved there and I lived there until I was 25, when I got married and moved away from Ephraim.

When I was about 4 or 5 years old, I remember that my Father worked at the creamery and I remember taking his lunch down to him and how I had to go over the train tracks. I did that a lot of times. I remember too, we lived right next to my grandmother and my cousin who I played with all the time. The Indians use to come around (something they don't do now) and as children we used to be scared to death of them because they would come begging for something to eat. Mother always gave them flour, a loaf of bread or something. Some of them we pretty good about it and some of the others were quite ornery about it, but we were always scared when we saw the Indians coming. Also, tramps would come around too and they would always scare us. But when we lived there next to my grandmother there was just the three of us in the family (children); my sister Thelma, my brother Karl and myself. I remember how as a child I used to have to tend my little brother and sister and lots of times my little sister would have to go along with me when I'd go to play with my girl friends. They didn't have little brothers and sisters and they didn't want her along and so we would have problems. I had a real close girl friend across the street and we have been real close friends all our lives.

Then I remember we moved up to our great grandfather's house which was on the college block and I started school. My first grade teacher was my aunt Eve---she was my father's brother's wife. It was during the time that the First World War was on and my uncle had gone to war and she was teaching school. I remember seeing the soldiers leave. We'd go down to the depot --- they'd get on the train at Manti and then they would come through Ephraim and people would be there to see them as they would go by. I remember that so distinctly. Also, very distinctly just as a child, I remember when the armistice was signed and the war was over. Everybody was making a big fuss and big time over it. It was really quite a ting to think that the boys would be coming home from the war. Then I remember when my uncle came home, he had been in France.

I remember going to Sunday school. We lived right close to the chapel there. I always went to Sunday school and Primary and I enjoyed going. I was always in little plays and little choruses and things, singing all the time.

My mother's two cousins came and lived with us while they were going to Snow College and I was just seven years old. That was the year that the awful epidemic of flu was around and we all came down with the flu but my father and he had to take care of all of us. It was that flu that left me with a bad heart and so it has been kind of a problem over the years. But, I have a lot of fond memories of my childhood. My Father was working in the creamery and also doing farm work and other jobs.

When we were little we couldn't go out and buy Christmas trees like we can now. If we wanted a tree we had to go up into the mountains and cut it and bring it down. I remember the first Christmas tree we had --- I wanted one so badly and I wasn't very old, maybe five years old. It was Christmas Eve and we didn't have a Christmas tree and the folks said well, we won't get one this year, we'll wait and see. I felt so badly when I went to bed on Christmas Eve to think that we didn't have a Christmas tree. Next morning when I got up there was a Christmas tree in our living room all decorated with just the cutest things on and I just couldn't imagine how that Christmas tree could come there --- overnight like that. That was one of the happiest Christmases as a small child that I can remember,

I remember all of the family going over to our grandparents on Christmas Eve and they would have a great big tree in the dining room. All of the family would get there, cousins and all and we would really have a nice time. But after my grandfather died then we never had it anymore. He died when I was just in fourth grade. It was never quite the same there; we never had the gatherings as much after he died. My grandfather and grandmother had worked in the Temple. Grandfather was in the presidency of the Manti Temple, so he and grandmother worked there quite a number of years. Grandfather had one of the first cars there, it was a Ford car. I remember Dad taking us in the car---we never had a car of our own then but each one of the family would get the car and would go somewhere in it. That was just really something to go somewhere in the car.

I remember my father was a big man, but he was a good man and he was always so good to help me with my homework form school. Much more than mother, mother was too busy. We had a big family and she always had a lot to do. But Dad would sit down and help me work my arithmetic problems or listen to me read or just work with my schoolwork. I don't think I can ever remember my Dad ever giving me a licking or anything. All he would have to do is just say things quite cross to me and that would do it. I had a lot of respect for him. My parents were never people that would go and take us to church or come go to PTA meetings or anything like that. Mother was always to busy and Dad was always working late or doing things and so they never did have time to go and do things with us a lot.

The fourth of July when I was young was one of the big events of the summer. It was just the climax of things. We all had to have new clothes, we looked forward to it and have a real big time. They would have a parade, games for children, a program, and a baseball game in the afternoon and things like that. In a small town like that you had to make your own fun, its not like the city where you have so many things you can go to. In the country the fourth of July was really a big day.

We had lots of fun in High School and lots of fun in the grades as we were growing up---there were lots of things that we did. But in high school I was elected President of my junior class. Of course the big thing of the junior year was having the junior prom. We worked so hard on it --- had committees and everything --- it was really pretty. I was prom mistress and led the prom with one of the fellows in the class. I had my first formal and it was quite an exciting evening for me. When I was a senior I was chosen to be in the senior play and that was quite an honor. I sang a lot in choruses and we had a girl's quartet for a couple of years. We sang in clubs, school programs, over to the college and church programs and all over and had a lot of fun. When we graduated from high school we broke up because I was the only one that went on to college. I was always interested in music, always singing and doing something. I started to be chorister when I was 18 years old in Sunday school. I've been chorister all my life ever since in either Sunday school, Primary, or M.I.A. Its something I've always done. I've always been interested in church work---always been active. I taught Sunday school when I was only sixteen years old. I taught Primary.

I went on to college and enjoyed my two years of college a great deal. I was able to take vocal lessons. I took vocal lessons the year before I went to college and a year that I went to college from the professor up there. I was in music and did things musically. The college and the people in the town combined and had a big chorus. The chorus was invited to come to Salt Lake and sing over the radio KSL. Then we were guests at the Newhouse Hotel and a big banquet that night. We sang in the dinning room to the quests before we went up to the banquet hall and had a banquet. It was a big day and quite a highlight in my life to do something like that.

The winters in Ephraim were sometimes full of snow, ice and cold and then there were winters when we hardly had any snow at all---but they were always cold. We always had to walk to school, we never had a ride. But we never lived very far from school---the farthest we ever lived was two blocks from school, so it wasn't bad walking. But I can remember my knees being cold. It's colder in Ephraim that it is in Salt Lake because of its higher elevation.

I remember when Norma was born. My Dad had gone after coal or he was up in the mountains doing something and my mother got sick. So I had to run and get the nurse and my grandmother came. Of course they didn't go to the hospital then. My grandmother was staying with us then and they called the doctor and all---it was quite a night. Dad didn't get home until after she was born.

There aren't many happy memories about the depression. That was a terrible time, there wasn't any money anywhere and I was going to college. But I worked my way through and was about to get by. Sometimes I look back and wander how we got by. I remember we had college proms and I had a date to go but I couldn't afford a formal dress. So I didn't get to go either year. It was formal and you had to have a formal.

I went on and did my student teaching and got my teachers certificate and wanted to teach so badly, but no one could get teachers jobs that year. There just weren't any openings anywhere, I think out of the whole group of us that graduated there were about four that got jobs and they were superintendent's sons and daughters. So I went back up to school and worked in the cafeteria to help finish paying for my schooling and took some classes the next winter. It was real hard after working so hard in school to not be able to go on and teach like I wanted to.

The next year there still weren't openings so I went into the telephone office and worked. I worked there until I got married.

My girlfriend and I took a trip to California a couple of years before I got married. We took a circle bus tour. We got on the bus at Nephi and we went down to Las Vegas and stopped there and saw the boulder dam and then we went on down to Los Angeles. We stayed with my girlfriend's folks and they showed us all over Los Angeles. Then we took the bus and went on down to San Diego---that's when the Exposition was on. We spent some time there and then we took the bus on up the coast to Los Angeles again and on up to San Francisco and stayed with my Dad's brothers family and they showed us all over San Francisco. Then we came back home again. That's when I met Elvin down in Las Vegas, but I didn't think that I would ever see him again after I left there.

Well, we got off the bus in Las Vegas there was one fellow from home and he said if we ever dame down to let him know and he would show us the dam. So my girlfriend had written and told him when we were coming and so he was at the bus to meet us and Elvin was with him. That's how I met Elvin. He and two of the other fellows came up over Labor Day and we went with them down to the canyons---Bryce and Zions.

Elvin used to call me on the telephone every once a week or so and used to come see me about every month or two. I made one trip out to McGill, Nevada when he was working out there. I went out there for a weekend and stayed with some friends out there. We went out to Leman Caves---that was before it was ever made a big park or like it is now. That's just about the way it was. Elvin would come and see me or call me on the telephone just off and on over the years. I knew him for two years before we got married. Elvin wanted me to get married a year before we did and I didn't want to. Then in February before we got married I got an abscess on my leg and the infection went all through my system. I was real sick and Elvin came into see me then. That's when I took his ring. That was in March---I was sick for about six weeks and he came when I was so awfully sick. I told him then that we'd get married.

So we got married the first day of September. On the way home after getting married we had a wreck. That was awful. Mother had a big wedding ready for us and they were waiting and waiting for us to come and we didn't come. When we finally did come some other people brought us. We were going to go on a honeymoon up to the Northwest and so we couldn't go. We had our wedding diner, but my grandmother was hurt quite badly and so was Elvin's mother so we didn't do anything. (The wreck occurred between Manti and Ephraim.) Elvin and I were in the front seat and my Grandmother Thomson and Elvin's mother were in the back seat. Something happened to the car, we don't know what, but we couldn't control it at all. The steering must have snapped or something because it went end over end and on to its side. People that saw it happen, said they didn't think anyone would be alive in there when they got to the car. But, it didn't hurt Elvin at all; I got an awful bump on my head and my neck. I thought I had broken my neck but I hadn't. It shook me real bad. We had to have the wrecker from Salt Lake come and take the car in, then Elvin went in to Salt Lake, and I came later. Then we moved to McGill, Nevada and spent the first three months of our married life. Then we moved in to Salt Lake.

McGill was just a little mining town. The peole were real friendly there, we enjoyed it. We had a lot of friends there and had a good time while we were there. It was a lot of fin. We had a hard time finding any place to live so we lived in with some people. We just had our own bedroom. We lived that way for just a month, then for the other two months we got just a small apartment with just a bedroom and a kitchen and then we shared the bath with some people. You just couldn't find anyplace out there to live at all. We made a lot of friends and really hated to leave there, but Elvin got laid off and there wasn't any work there. It was in the winter time so we moved in to Salt Lake.

We got an apartment up on the avenues and we lived there from December until the first part of February. Elvin did some remodeling on some apartments for rent so we moved out on Green street. We lived there for six months and then we moved up on Center Street in Jone's basement apartment. We were living there when Larry was born. When Larry was fifteen months old we lift and went to California. Elvin got a job in California and so we left and went down there. Elvin left in April and I went down in May. We live in Southgate until August when Elvin got into war work. He went up and worked on the Atlanta Airbase up in Victorville and we lived in San Bernardino. When he finished that he went down to the Santa Anna airbase and we lived down at Coast a Mesa. We moved down there in November. The first of February he finished that base and he was through there.

We were going to go to Los Angeles and see if he could get into something there, but it was so hard to find anyghing that we decided that we would go up to Las Vegas. In the mean time we had been up there and Elvin wanted to go back there. Se we went to Las Vegas and Elvin got right on at the Magnesium plant, but we couldn't find anyplace to live. So he lived with his cousin and I went back home and lived with my folks for three months until he found a place for us. Then he came up and got me and I went back down there in may. We live there until a year from the next September. Then we moved up the Springville, Utah.

In Las Vegas we were neighbors to the Stranges. They lived right across the street from us. We were real good friends with them and have always been friends with them ever since. We had a lot of fun and we really enjoyed it down there. We had a lot of friends and a lot of relatives. The church was your whole life down there, the other part of Las Vegas (Gambling and Casinos) didn't bother us at all. It was while we lived in Las Vegas the Elvin was in the hostital for six weeks. A vertibray had slipped and was pressing on the siatic nerve. He had siatic rheumatism.

The second world war was on then. They finished work on the basic magnesium plant and there wasn't a bit of work down there. They were sending all there men other places and they wanted us to go up to Pascal, Washington and we didn't want to go up there. Elvin decided to come back to Provo and work in the steel plant---they were building it then. So we came back there and we lived in Springville for six months until they finished the steel plant. Elvin decided that we had been moving around as much as we were going to move. He was coming back to Salt Lake and buy a home and we were going to stay put. So he came up and looked around and saw a duplex---he came back down to get me, to bring me up to look at it and they had sold it. So we looked around. Our ex-Bishop was a real estate guy and so we went to him and he took us around to look at homes. We came to see this home that we are living in now. It wasn't what we wanted, but we couldn't find what we wanted. We got it for a good price so we took it. We have lived here now for twenty-nine years, remodeled and remodeled and remodeled. It isn't the same home at all that we moved into.

We moved in on a Sunday---that is when we could get someone to move us. Monday night, we weren't even strightened around or anything, we had ward teachers, Brother Almark and his companion. They were so friendly and nice and invited us out ot church. The next Sunday we went to church and they made us feel so welcome and all that we really liked it right off. The Bishopric and all were really nice to us. Mrs. Roberts my next door neighbor was really friendly and nice and made us feel so welcome. But our home needed so much cleaning and so much fixing up that it took us quite a while before we could get it strightened around to be half way liek we wanted it at all.

Elvin was working out at Clearfield then. He commutted back and forth for seven years out there and we lived here. The following June after we moved here Tom was born on the 21st of June, 1944. Two years after that on July 12th, Gaylen was born. So we have raised our family here. All of them went to Hawthorne Elementary School. All of them went and finished at Irving Junior High and they all finished South High before going on to the University of Utah and graduated there. I'm real proud of them. Larry went on a mission, Gaylen went on a mission and Tom went into the service for six months and was in the national guard. All three of them are married and live here in the city.

Elvin was on the genealogical committee in the ward then he was secretary of the stake genealogical committee. Elvin fulfilled two stake missions in the Granite Stake, one in the Salt Lake Stake, one in McGill, Nevada, and one in Boulder City in addition to the full-time mission in the Southern States. He was in the presidency of the ward seventies quorum before they made a stake group out of them.

The first job I had in the Wells Ward was teaching Primary (they asked me to teach Sunday school but I couldn't---that was just before Tom was born). Then, Elva Pohlman and I taught the junior girls in M.I.A. We taught Primary together and then we taught M.I.A. together. Then they asked me to be president of the M.I.A., and I held that position for four years. Then I had an operation and had to be released, and I didn't do anything for a while. Then I taught a little Sunday school class; then over the seminary program in the stake; then I taught primary; and was chorister in primary and the M.I.A.; then I was councilor to the stake M.I.A. president; and was on the stake board for four years; then I went back to being chorister in M.I.A., and now in Sunday school.

When we lived up in the 19th Ward before we went to California I taught Sunday school and was in the presidency of the Relief Society. Before I got married I was in the presidency of the M.I.A. at home. When I was down in Las Vegas I was singing mothers chorister and I was teacher in the Relief Society. When we got married and first lived out in McGill, I was on the Sunday school Stake Board. They wanted me to be in the presidency of the primary, but I wouldn't take too many jobs on.

We went on a trip up to the northwest when we had been married ten years (in 1947). Elvin and I had never had a honeymoon and we never had much of a vacation, so we left Gaylen with Aunt May, Tom with Aunt Norma, Larry went down to Grandmother Thomson, and Karl went out to stay with his Grandmother. Elvin and I went down to San Francisco and then up the coast to Portland, over to Yakama, and back home. We were gone almost two weeks. That was the first real vacation that we had.

The next year we went to Yellowstone. Then almost always on Labor Day we'd go somewhere---down to the canyons or somewhere. I don't think there was ever a Labor Day that we didn't go somewhere.

The year after Elvin came back from Kayenta (in '55 or '56) we took the family and went down to California. We went down to San Francisco and down the coast to Los Angeles. That is when we went out to see Grandpa Ezra Bunker out there on the desert. We took him and brought him back up to Las Vegas. We visited the Stranges and then we came on home.

Elvin went down to work in Kayenta. He went down in October of 1955 and he was supposed to be back the first of the year, but he didn't come back until the next June. He would come home off and on but he worked down there all winter. That's the first winter I worked. They were building an Indian School down there.

In about 1956, we decided to go down to the dedication of the Los Angeles Temple. So we went down with a chartered train---there were 48 cars. We left on a Sunday morning. We got there the next morning, and had our breakfast. We were then taken from the train to the hotel and then part of the group went on tour in the morning of the city and the other group went to the dedication; in the afternoon we went to the dedication while they went on tour. After the dedication we all went to the first Cinerama. We had lunch at the farmer's market. We came back after the Cinerama and had dinner at the hotel. We got on the train at 10:00 pm that night and got back home here at 10:00 am the next morning. We were on the go from the minute we left home until the minute we got back.

Before Larry went on his mission, Elvin went in the hospital with divercula of the colon, and was so sick. Then when he got out of the hospital and got better, Larry got his call. He got his call in April, and I think he went into the mission home on August 15, 1960.

It was late summer of 1962 and we didn't expect Larry home from his mission until Friday. We were getting things ready for that and I had gone to work Monday morning as usual. I got a telephone call about nine o'clock from Ephraim saying that my Dad (Andrew Thomson) had gone into a coma. The doctor said for us not to come but to wait a while and see how things worked out, thinking that Dad might come out of it.

When I came back from lunch, there was Larry! He had come into Salt Lake early and because no one knew he was coming, there was no one at the airport to meet him. He caught the bus into town and came up to work where I was. Then I left with him and went home. I then received a phone call from Ephraim telling me to come home because my Dad was so bad. Larry only being home an hour and a half and I had to leave and go down to my folks' place. I drove down with my brother and sisters. My father never regained consciousness, and he died the following morning at one o'clock.

That afternoon I came back home to get things ready, then we all went back down to Ephraim and the funeral was on Saturday. Larry talked and paid a tribute to Dad at the funeral. Grandpa Bunker had cancer and wasn't a bit well at that time and he died just six weeks later.

Tom was born in June, right after we moved here and Grandma Bunker died the following November. Grandpa Bunker lived in the house until the next fall, and then he sold it and went on a mission. Elwood was married and all of the kids were married and gone. Ethel (Elwood's wife) moved back there that winter and stayed with Grandpa because Elwood was in the service and Jimmy was born. Jimmy was born right after Grandma Bunker died. So she stayed there with Grandpa Bunker that winter and then he sold his home. He went on his mission and was gone about six months, and got sick and had to come home. Then he just lived around with the kids. He lived a while with Mae and then he lived a while with Elwood, and then he went up to Portland and lived with Elfine. He was up there living with Elfine when we went up there on a trip. He was down with Elfine in California when he found out he had cancer. So then he came home and he was staying up with Eddis when he died. He died just six weeks after my Dad died. My father died the morning of September 11th and Grandpa Bunker died about October 23rd of 24th. When my father died, Grandpa Bunker said, "Why couldn't I go like that!"

Grandma Bunker died in '44 and Grandpa Bunker died in '62. When Gaylen was interviewed by the Bishop, he told the Bishop that he'd like to stay until after Larry got married. He was called and went into the mission home on Labor Day, and Larry was married the following Friday; so he was in the mission home when Larry got married. It was lucky that Gaylen was in the temple with the missionaries and was able to see Larry and Nancy married. The timing just worked out right. Larry was married on Friday, and Gaylen came out of the mission home and had his farewell on Sunday night and left Monday morning the same weekend. We felt like we were lost around here having two sons leave home on the same weekend.

The time we went back to get Gaylen from his mission, in 1967, was really a trip. We took sister Riordan and went back and stopped at different places along the way. After we picked Gaylen up we went to Carthage Jail, Nauvoo, Winter Quarters and all the way along there. That was a fun trip. We saw all the Eisenhower Library and things in Abilene, Kansas. That was beautiful. His library is just elegant. It is lined with marble from Italy. His museum was just filled with things. We stopped at Hoover's place at Amana, Iowa. We went to Boy's town and Omaha, Nebraska.

Excerpts from letters to Gaylen on his mission:

Sep. 13, 1965: You have been gone about 4 and ½ hours. Your first train ride with a fine group of boys. Well, we came home and Norma stopped by for awhile, and then took me up to Sugar house to the bank.

I'm so proud of you and so grateful the Lord has given me such a wonderful son. It hasn't been easy for me to let you go. But we have talked so many times of when you would go on a mission. I know you will find people who will love you dearly. Don't push too hard and over do. I know a lot of times there can be a lot of pressure, but don't let it bother you. Just do what you can and that is all that is expected. Be sure to get the things you need to eat, so you can keep well. Don't be afraid to call us if you need something or get sick. Call in the evenings collect. Write as often as you can and we will. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Sep. 21st, 1965: Just a week ago this morning you left for your mission. We talked about it at breakfast this morning and wondered just where you are. We are anxiously waiting to hear from you. We have missed you so much. It seems pretty lonesome with just three of us here now.

Larry and Nancy came back from their honeymoon Thursday afternoon. They had a real nice time. They have been trying to get settled. Each day they come and get a few more of Larry's things. They took his desk and most of the things out of his closet, so it looks pretty bare in his room. We are glad we had such nice weather for the wedding and farewell. Tom was sick yesterday and all night. I suppose it is the flu. So I decided to stay home today and see if I can take care of him. I have M.I.A. leadership tomorrow night so I can get ready for that too. At last the mail man just came and brought your letter. So glad to know a little about you and where you are. There is an emptiness in our home and hearts since you left but we just have to work and keep busy.

Sep. 29, 1965: Your letter, picture and mission magazine came today. We were anxious to hear from you. Larry got started back in school again. Dad started to work up to Park City on another job, for a different construction company, yesterday. Tom is still trying to find a job. Tom has his room just about all straightened up.

Oct. 12, 1965: Saturday night about 5:30 pm we decided to ride down to Ephraim. The weather has been so nice and it is hard to tell how long it will stay this way. We sent in the truck and got down to Thelma's at 7:30. We visited there until 9:00 and then went on the Ephraim. Grandmother was sitting all alone watching television, so she was glad to see us. Garth was home and we visited with Ted and Ethel Sunday. Left about five and got home Sunday evening about 7:30 pm.

Oct. 25, 1965: Well, the deer hunters got back. They left Friday just after noon: Dad and Uncle Jewel in the truck; Larry and Robert Wray in his car; Spence, Johnny and Ronny in their truck; and Dick and a couple of friends in another truck. Larry and Robert came back Saturday night with two does. I don't know who killed them. Dad lost his license up in the mountains somewhere, so I hope that ends deer hunting. I'm glad they didn't get one. The weather was just beautiful all the time so they really had a good time. Dad said he really enjoyed himself, so I was glad for that. Saturday, Aunt Norma, Diana, Bonnie, and I spent the day in town just shopping. I didn't buy much. We had lunch together at a Chinese restaurant and had more than we could eat. It was nice to forget work for a day.

Dec. 20, 1965: The crowds are tremendous in town and probably will be until Friday. Tom is playing (in a band) at the Trade Tech Christmas party tonight. He isn't playing up at Park City anymore, at least for the time being. I wish he would go back to school. We have our Christmas tree up. Larry flocked it and tom decorated it.

Jan. 16, 1966: Dad went out and helped put up the flags (yellow ones) Thursday night and will have to help take them in tomorrow night. So things still go on as you remember.

Feb. 6, 1966: We went over to Dutchin's last night and got our income tax taken care of. I've really kept busy with work, mutual, and housework. Larry is looking forward to getting through school this quarter. I hope he isn't drafted. They are going to start drafting students and married men under 26 who do not have children. I wish they could settle things in Viet Nam before so many lives are lost. Dad is watching the news so you know it is about time to go to bed. Tomorrow is another work day.

Feb. 13, 1966: Johnny Waagen has got his draft call. He leaves sometime this month. Robert Thygerson is home on furlough this week. Jerry Harris is in Viet Nam.

Feb. 17, 1966: (Sent news clipping of David J. Broadhead Viet Nam victim). Didn't you know him when you were at Hawthorne and South?

Feb. 23, 1966: We are so happy for you. Each new experience you have makes you grow and develop. We are so thrilled in the things you are doing and so thankful you chose to go into the mission field. I'm sure you will never regret it. Dad helped with the flags, I think he quite enjoys it. Yesterday afternoon, Tom and the group he plays with practiced at our house. I wish I had been home to hear them. They got through just before I got home. Dad heard them and said they were pretty good. Mrs. Woolsey was home and she said she opened her door so she could hear them. She said she would enjoy hearing them anytime. They have two new fellows. They are much better fellows, good L.D.S. boys.

Mar. 8, 1966: I have been so busy getting things ready for my Mia-Maid Stake night. Well, I finally had it tonight and it is a relief to have it over with. It went over real nice so I reel good about it. Dad is working on a Safeway store out about 5600 South and 9th East. Last week Tom played in Provo 3 nights and made $60.00. I think he said they were going to play this week.

Mar. 22, 1966: Well, Larry passed his exams and did really well this quarter. So, I think he is ready to graduate in June. He starts on his new job tomorrow up at Ogden in the unemployment office. They are quite thrilled about it. He is going to drive back and forth at least for awhile. They bought a new red Volkswagen Friday.

Apr. 13, 1966: Larry Wheeler has received his draft call and will be going in the army on the 13th of April. Larry likes his new Volkswagen and his job in Ogden. I do hope they won't draft him.

May 15, 1966: Dad and I have been working so hard on the yard the last two days. We got the lawn in and schrubs in the front. We cleaned up the rest of the yard and the grease in the drive way from Tom's car. Anyway they got it running again and it was probably a good experience for him. (Tom replaced the engine in his 57 Ford). Maybe he learned a little more about cars. He couldn't have done it without Larry and Dad helping.

May 22, 1966: We went over to Karl's home. He came home this morning and is taking Colleen and the boys back with him on the train tomorrow night to California 'till the 1st of June. Then he will be working out of Salt Lake. That will be better. Nancy is expecting a baby this fall.

Jun. 15, 1966: We had a busy weekend. Larry graduated Friday and Saturday night. It was real nice and we were so proud of him and he felt pretty good about making it. Tom was at camp so he wasn't there. Susan (Fenn) graduated at the same time and is going to teach 2nd grade at Webster school next year.

Jul. 5, 1966: We went down to Provo with Karl and colleen and kids. Larry and Nancy came down, too. We saw the Parade and then the Bunkers got together at Uncle Bob's for a picnic. Everyone was represented except Aunt Mae's family. We had a pretty good time---then came home about 3:00. It was so hot we were glad to get home in front of our fan. We spent the evening home and saw the fireworks from our porch. Colleen is expecting another baby this fall.

Aug. 16, 1966: Sunday Larry and Nancy came over for dinner. It is nice to have them over. It won't be too long before they will be moving to Odgen. They do not have a place up there yet. Nancy quit her job last Friday. We have a surprise for you. Nancy had a little baby girl this morning at 3:00. We are all so thrilled about it. We will go up to the hospital and see her tonight. Have to run to catch the bus so will write more later.

Aug. 24, 1966: Dad had a nice birthday. Nancy came home from the hospital Saturday afternoon and her Mother wanted all of us together Sunday. Nancy is felling pretty good now and the baby is doing fine. The first couple of nights the baby was a little fussy and kept them up, but she will gradually get adjusted and be Okay. I'm going over to help her today. Her mother was over there Monday and Tuesday. She is a beautiful baby, has dark brown hair, quite a lot of it too and a little round face. It is hard to tell just who she looks like.

Aug. 28, 1966: tom is at guard this weekend, an overnight deal out at Dugway. I think he quite likes his job at Auerbachs. They are going to give him a regular number and then he can get his commission, which will help. Susan is home. How they are getting along, I don't know.

Sep. 4, 1966: Tuesday I went over to Accounts Payable to work. The work is different and I hope I will like it. I have needed a change for a long time and I think it will do me good. But I didn't quite expect it when it came. The same night in leadership I was asked to be a counselor to Nettie Benson in the Stake Mutual Presidency. So, I was quite upset getting two new things the same day. This morning Brother Packer and Nettie came to see me if I would accept. What could I say but that I would do the best I could. I have a missionary in the field and I have to do my part too. So here I go again. Today, Larry and Nancy had their baby blessed and they named her Lori Anne. Larry named her and Dad and Bro. Likes (Nancy's stepfather) stood in the circle with him, in the McKay Ward. I had them all here for dinner afterwards.

Sep. 12, 1966: This had been quite a weekend: Larry came over Friday night and wanted to know if we would help them over Saturday. We were so surprised because we didn't know that he had found an apartment. He wanted to get moved, so we went down and picked up a new Chevy Bel Air we had been planning to get all week and then spent the day helping them. It really was a job. He got a van through Nancy's stepfather. It was a good thing because it was just packed. They surely had a lot of things to move. Dad and Larry went up in the Van. Nancy's mother and stepfather filled their station wagon and went up in that and Nancy and baby and I rode up in our new car.

Oct. 2, 1966: Our new car is a turquoise, and a greenish blue. We really like it. Friday night tom bought a car. He got a '64 red Corvair Monza.

Oct 23, 1966: It has been quite a weekend. Thursday night Karl and Colleen were going across the street to a neighbors. They had gotten across the street when they heard the door slam and mark came running over. They saw a car coming down the street and colleen yelled at Mark and ran toward him to keep him from coming out in the street. The driver saw Mark and swerved to miss him and hit Colleen.

It hit her on her hip and threw her up on the hood of the car and then it stopped and threw her on to the side of her face on the road. Colleen was expecting a baby. It had been due for a week. They rushed her to the hospital. She had a broken pelvis bone, so they took the baby caesarian. She had a little baby boy weighing 5 lbs. 15 oz. He looks just like Mark. We have been up to see her tonight in the hospital. She looks better than when I went up Friday night. She will have to lay on her back in bed for 6 weeks, so it will be pretty hard. She was really lucky she didn't get killed or hurt worse. Dad and Larry went with Uncle Jewel, Spence, Dick and friends hunting Friday night. They went down to Fountain Green. They all came home last night with fine deer. Dad and Jewel were the only ones that didn't kill one. Larry felt pretty good to think he shot one.

Nov. 6, 1966: Went to the hospital to see Colleen. She is looking real good. She will have to be in the hospital about another month. Went out and saw the baby last night. He is coming along just fine.

Nov. 20, 1966: We are going to Aunt Afton's for Thankgiving with Norma's family, Thelma's family and mother, so we will have quite a crowd. The Christmas decorations are up downtown and up in Sugarhouse. The stores are all full of Christmas so as soon as Thankgiving is over it will be in full swing. I am knitting sweaters for both babies.

Dec. 28, 1966: I had been thinking how much I wish you were all little boys again for Christmas. How much fun it use to be. But time moves on and you can't stop it.

Jan. 16, 1967: Tom is at guard today. He got a promotion in his job at Boeing, which should make him feel good. I hope he'll settle down a little more soon. We had our Parent and Youth night in the stake. We are glad that is over. How we will be working and getting ready for quartet festivals next month. Monday night is leadership meeting and I have to take charge, so I keep plenty busy.

Jan. 29th, 1967: I just finished knitting a coat. I actually finished it before Christmas, but had to line it and have it blocked and button and button holes. I wore it today and am quite proud of it. I really enjoy knitting. I'm glad I have been learning. There are so many things that can be made.

Feb. 5, 1967: Thanks for your letter that reached us Wednesday. I think it was one of the nicest letters you have written. We really caught the spirit of how you feel and know that the Lord is really with you. Yes, we can tell how your testimony has grown and we are so grateful that it has. It is something that will stay with you all your life. It will be the thing you build your life on.

Feb. 26, 1967: We will be working on the Gold and Green Ball for the next two weeks, then it will be Stake Conference. This Stake M.I.A. really keeps me going. I think I'll be out of it before long. They will probably reorganize at Stake Conference.

Mar. 5, 1967: Friday morning Larry got a call from the Salt Lake office that he was being transferred down here and was supposed to report for work Monday morning. They stayed down Friday night, and Saturday morning they went looking for an apartment. They finally decided on one, at 2611 South 7th East.

Mar. 12, 1967: Well, another Stake Conference is over. The whole young ladies M.I.A. board was released, so I'm not in the stake M.I.A. anymore. It will be good to rest for a while. I have had too much to do.

Mar. 19, 1967: Last Wednesday was my birthday. I had a real nice day. I received so many nice cards and gifts. I don't appreciate getting older though (55th birthday).

Apr. 2, 1967: It has been a beautiful Spring day. We really have a lot of violets out this spring. I went out at noon and picked a few and put them in a glass on the table. They smell go good.

May 7, 1967: Yesterday Dad and I worked down in the basement. We are trying to get it cleaned up a little. A week ago we spray painted the furnace room. Friday and Saturday we gave the floor two coats of paint with some old paint we had. It really made it look a lot better. I painted the hall and we have cleaned Tom's room. We cleaned half of the carpet and tomorrow night we will clean the other half. Then I will clean the fruit room.

May 28, 1967: This past week Dad has been doing some work up for Brother Likes (Nancy's folks). Another carpenter has been helping him. They still have about another weeks work. Then Dad is going out to Afton, Wyoming to do some work for Bertell Bunker on some apartments he owns. It will take about two weeks. Then I hope things pick up around here a little more. Work has been really slow for him.

Jun. 12, 1967: Dad left for Wyoming this morning at 7:00 am. Dad called tonight and said he got to Afton at 10:00 today. It rained on him all the way. Today, just after I got on the bus to come home, it poured down all the way home. I really got soaked coming from the bus. Tom left yesterday morning for his two week summer camp with the guard. They went out to Dugway. I'll bet they really got soaked today. He and Dad should both be home about the same time.

Jun 18, 1967: Today is kind of a lonely day. It is Father's day and Dad is not home. He is up in Afton, Wyoming, and I don't know just how long he will be up there, maybe just another week. He called me Thursday night and was quite discouraged because it had rained so much it was hard to get the work done. I don't really like living alone, and will be glad when Dad and Tom get back again.

It is too quiet around here. I have been cleaning out the cabinet and linen closet. Yesterday, I went out to Karl's and Colleen did my hair. I get so tired of doing it myself. They were having a ward carnival last night in their ward, Mike and Mark were so excited about it. They were having a parade at six o'clock and they had decorated their bikes and were going to ride them. Larry and Nancy are planning on taking their vacation starting next Saturday. They will be leaving for Illinois.

Jul. 2, 1967: Tom flew to Lake Tahoe last Friday and came home today. Susan is there working.

Jul. 16, 1967: Dad came home last night at 11:00. I was so glad to see him, but he has to go back. He was going to leave this afternoon but in as much as it rained he decided to wait until early morning. He said he would be up there another week. We rode up this afternoon to see a house that Larry and Nancy are thinking of buying. It is on Elgin Drive, just a few blocks from Aunt Norma's It is a real cute house.

Aug. 6, 1967: Well, Tom and Susan are back together again. She got home last Monday night and I think they have been together every night. They went for a drive up to Park City this afternoon and they're going up to see Larry's place. I hope Tom will begin to settle down a little more and make something of his life. He talks about going back to school and taking night classes at the "U".

Aug. 13, 1967: The time will really go fast for you now. It things work out we plan on coming back and getting you. Tom and Susan are seeing quite a lot of each other now. She came up Thursday and wanted me to go to lunch with her. We had a nice visit. They have gone up this afternoon to see Larry and Nancy.

Additional Recollections:

Tom's wedding was December 1st, 1967. Susan came back to teach school, after she had been out at Tahoe. It was a beautiful wedding and she had a lot of showers. They had their wedding and reception at the Shalamar Reception Center. Dr. J. D. Williams, a University Professor, married them. They went up to Park City on their honeymoon. Tom went back to the "U" par time and then full time and went Summers and all until he finished. He graduated in the fall of 1971.

I've been a member of the Daughter's of the Utah Pioneers since 1976: The Wells Ward Camp. We are down to 22 members now. When I was captain we had about 35. but quite a few have died. I went in and Claira Richins was Captain. Then I went in as Captain in 1980 and was Captain for 4 years. They review histories of the pioneers and write histories. The lessons are on pioneer histories and we meet once a month on the second Friday. We don't meet in the Summer. It goes from September to May. We have a special luncheon in May: usually at the Lion House.

I retired from Auerbachs Department Store in January of 1979. I didn't work full time at first. I was 41 years old when I started in 1953. It was in November and the year after I had that operation. I worked the Christmas Holidays. Then I'd go in once in a while. I didn't go in the Summer at all. When Dad was in Kayenta, I went in the fall and worked that winter as a cashier in the Draperies Department. When school was out I didn't work that next summer. When dad came home from Kayenta we went that summer to California. The next fall I went back and started working in the administrative office. I worked there until school was out. I didn't work in the summer for a long time. I didn't go back that next fall. I went up that summer and took a class, so that next year I could substitute teach. I called Auerbachs and told them I could come back. Dad was working on the Manti Temple. The following year Auerbachs called and wanted me back. I didn't' have a car so I could substitute so I went back. I worked then just part time and had Summers off, until Larry went on his mission and then I worked full time. I guess I worked full time from then on. I took my retirement, but worked for three years part time after that.

We are in our seventh year of working at the Temple. It was six years in January. We go every Tuesday to the Salt Lake Temple. For the six months the Salt Lake Temple was closed we went to the Jordan River Temple. We filled in for a couple of months for the Kundics while they were ill. We did that and by the time we did that the Winkelcotters wanted to take a vacation. Then we filled in for the Johnsons while he was in the hospital. He died and they asked us at the Temple if we wouldn't take it permanently. We do sealings. Kundics have so many problems and if it wasn't for Elvin he wouldn't be able to do it. We leave at quarter after 10 and are home at 1:00. the first sealer was Brother Bennett and we had him for a long time. We were having different ones for along time. Then we had Bro. England. He left and went to St. George. We had Bro. Jackson for a while before Bro. England. Now we have a Brother Richards. He is good. He speaks loud but is fast enough. There are three other older couples. The only lady is 90 and the other is 87. They are the cutest little ladies.

Elva passed away at her home in Salt Lake City on November 10, 1987. She and Elvin had come home from the Temple and decided to rake leaves on the front lawn. As she was raking she had a sudden heart attack, fell to the ground and died almost instantly. She was 75 years old.